Charlie: "Who wins in a fight? Scarecrow, Tin Woodsman, or the Lion?"
Max: "Am I supposed to answer this, because it sounds pretty easy."
Charlie: "Yea, go ahead."
Matt: "Probably the Woodsman."
Max: "Yea, the Tin Woodsman for days."
Charlie: "Okay. Now also bear in mind... The Scarecrow has a gun."
Matt: "What about post-Wizard giving them their shit?"
Max: "Prooobably still the Woodsman."
Charlie: "I'm still favoring the Tin Woodsman, but the odds aren't so bad for the Scarecrow. Because now he can possibly get lucky and shoot the Woodsman in the heart."
Matt: "That just makes it harder for the Scarecrow, because if he does that, it means the Tin Woodsman will have no emotions."
Charlie: "But if he can hit the part that has the alchemical symbol that holds the Tin Man's soul..."