The Liquor Cabinet > General Discussion

The DUNK and the Ugly question for all


so suppose that Space Jam happens...

what if aliens come to earth, and you need to create the dopest team with your podcast machine by summoning characters and stars from podcasts. who do you go for?

Clockwurke Bear:
Alright, for a small amount of personal selecting I do have to choose Therese from InThralled because of the immense amount of jam she is ready to slam, the wielding many arms, and the fact that she can throw a pair of hands to dunk the ball from across the arena. However other than her I think Mikhail probably encourages the best air time and the SICKEST dunks with sick gravity powers, Noah has intense ups from Kangaroo legs and the attitude to bring it to the court, Grim Grey for simultaneous resident sports expert and the belief magic to fight a mon-STAR, and probably Yuji because I feel he would enjoy a basketball throwdown and the giant earthquake fish leads to that dramatic moment where the ball is hanging on the lip and the quake knocks it in.


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