Setting: One Degree Of Separation
Plot: Hourglass Plot
Narrative Device: Homage
Hero: Prodigal Hero
Villain: Better The Devil You Know
Character As Device: Useless Protagonist
Characterization Device: Gratitude Tropes
Freakishly enough, this would kinda gel with an AW hack I'm kicking around based around shady conspiracies.
The players are all normal, pretty boring people, living out their lives in the same area, until something, some huge act of chaos/terror/tragedy changes all their lives forever. They narrate what happened and why they were powerless to do anything to stop it.
A year passes.
One by one, the players find their way to a support site for survivors and affected persons of said tragedy. People are angry, confused, looking for someone to blame. Naturally, they want someone to blame. Someone to punish. Thus begins the plan.
The players then lay the groundwork for, and go on to execute, their revenge on whoever or whatever they feel was responsible for the tragedy that affected them all. Unfortunately, this skirts the lines of domestic terrorism, pushing the players ever closer to the brink of becoming the antagonists of the piece.
The endgame, such as it would be, would be looking back over the plot and gauging whether or not the cast are seen as vigilantes, heroes or criminals, depending on what they do to get justice.
Would probably draw some themes from Person Of Interest, Mr. Robot, etc, for that nice cyber-paranoia tone.
I would totally run the crap out of this.