Author Topic: Character Bank 2.0  (Read 49178 times)


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Character Bank 2.0
« on: July 10, 2016, 06:40:27 AM »
New thread for the new forum, here's the link for the old Sordid Dystopia thread should people want to migrate character info from there to here.

Also, minor, somewhat stupid idea, but maybe we could set some write-a-character challenges for events/systems/holidays for people to go nuts with.

Anyway, let's rock.


Milo Cooper & Camera Obscura

Spoiler: show
Name: Milo Cooper
Age: 14
Appearance: Short and slight with very short-cut brown hair - missing his left leg just below the knee, which he supports with a crutch. Frequently wears a drab green oilskin coat, pockets stuffed with various pens, books and other junk.
Personality: A little quiet and stilted, still getting used to his missing limb, but puts on a brave face for his Nan. Often ends up just listening in on other people's conversations, not in a creepy way, just because people are interesting. Listening to their problems makes him forget his own.
Favourite Things: Graphic Novels (not comic books, yes, there's a difference), Photography (still getting the hang of that, but it's fun), Weird History (people were fuckin' crazy back then).
Darkest Secret: Milo lost his leg after the derelict building he was exploring collapsed with him inside. That much is true. The stuff with the ghosts and the weird-ass camera he fought them off with? Better not worry Nana Coop with all that...
Relationships: Journalistic Integrity x2, Nana Coop x2, The Truth x1, Rehab x1, Camera Obscura x 1 (Bond)

Feet: 1
Tactical Falling Over/Dodge: 1 P.E.: 0 Kicking: 0
Guts: 4
Courage: 3 Wind: 0 Wrestling: 0
Hands: 3
Photojournalism: 1 Shop: 1 Punching: 0 Blocking: 0
Brains: 4
Notice: 2 Out-think: 2 Remember: 2
Face: 3
Charm: 2 Connive: 1 Putdown: 0

Monster/Device: The Camera Obscura

Appearance: A ratty old pale blue Polaroid Instant Camera, dented and scratched and partially scorched, it looks like it went through a world of trouble and back again. The viewfinder and lens always seem to shimmer slightly, as if they weren't glass, but living eyes. People with sufficient insight, or those who use the device for long enough, begin to see many of its features as strangely organic in composition, as if it were something made out of parts of something else. Something alive.
Personality: Curious, patient, calculating, learning. It's waiting for something, although it may not know what itself.
Favorite Things: Strong emotions (positive or negative), drama, beauty, secrets. It craves insight and knowledge, but has an appreciation for the beauty of a moment in time, and how people may fight to preserve it. Also appreciates a good natural vista or two.
Trivia: The Camera Obscura is very, very old, and yet at the same time, very young. It's a piece of something vast and ancient, harnessed by some dickweed sorcerer back in times of yore, but in doing so it gained independence from the rest of it. Although it still has the potential of a great, unthinkable cosmic horror, it's been spending the decades viewing the world through a lens, observing people in all stages of life and emotion. It's curious, maybe even a little sympathetic to the weird pink things people insist on pointing it at, but mostly interested in this world and why everything seems hell-bent on obliterating it.

1-2: Flashbulb "Photobomb!" (D/U: Wicked Fast x2, Awesome x2)=6d
3-4: Film "1,000 Words" (U: Awesome x2, Sharing x1)=7d
5-6: Hand Grip "Get A Grip" (A/D: Gnarly x1, Tough x2, Sharing x1)=5d
7-8: Viewfinder "Gotcha" (U: Wicked Fast x2, Awesome x1)=7d
9-10: Shutter & Lens "My Little Eye" (A/U: Wicked Fast x1, Sharing x1)=7d

Stats Expanded
Being, y'know, an inanimate hunk of junk, the Camera Obscura had to work out some ways of defending itself, and what better way than using what it's already got? One quick thumb on the 'Ultra-Flash' setting and the camera's flashbulb goes off like a flashbang grenade (Defense), disorienting and blinding anyone stupid enough to be nearby when it goes off. The button's a little tricky, though - sometimes it just goes off all by itself, often at a convenient moment (Useful).
"1,000 Words"
The Camera Obscura was designed to one thing, which when you hear it, makes you think "what the hell do the regular ones do?". It takes pictures of what's there, what's really there. The pictures range in quality and practicality from deciphering languages into something the owner can understand, or giving insight into the emotions, secrets or influences behind whatever or whoever is being photographed (Useful), but the more emotionally powerful or charged the scene, the less reliable the pictures become. Or, maybe more accurately, they just begin to reflect things waaaaaay more accurately. Just not in a way a photograph can handle.
"Get A Grip"
You know how it is. Kids are jerks. Sooner or later, someone's going to try and nab that camera you've been playing with. Big mistake. The leather grip fits just right, especially when the user feels threatened, effectively becoming an extension of their arm that can absorb incoming harm (Defense), or dish it out like a thick, leathery knuckleduster (Attack).
It can be tricky, getting that perfect shot, finding that elusive subject, capturing that elusive moment in time. Weird how whenever you have a goal in mind, the viewfinder has an uncanny ability to draw the eye to wherever it needs to be just in the nick of time (Useful).
"My Little Eye"
Ever get the feeling that you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's taking your picture? If so, either A) You're paranoid and should probably get out more, or B) You really are staring down the barrel of a weapon - one that can snip off little shreds of your life-force with the click of a shutter (Attack). What's more, whatever it takes, it remembers, tracking the source like a bloodhound with its very own scented rag (Useful).

Eli Patchworth & The Organ Grinder

Spoiler: show
Kid's Name: Elizabeth 'Eli' Patchworth

Age: 15

Appearance: A bit bigger and rounder than kids her age would typically be, since moving to town from the countryside, Eli's felt increasingly less comfortable wearing anything less than big jumpers and long jeans to hide her shape as much as she possibly can. COME ON, LOVE, A BIG ARSE NEVER HURT ANYONE. APART FROM THAT ONE TIME IN ISTANBUL, AND THAT WAS A MIDGET, SO THAT HARDLY COUNTS.

Personality: Big, brash, often very dogged in her opinions, Eli has a hard time making friends, since most of the other girls she's seen look thin and pretty and totally know it PRESUMABLY THE ONLY THING THEY KNOW, LOVE, RIGHT?, and how the hell is she supposed to compete with that when you're born with shoulders like a forklift? SUPLEXES. ALL OF THEM. After living a quietly happy life in the isolated countryside, city life has brought a ton if sudden insecurities crashing down on her life. It fucking SUCKS.

Favourite Things: The great outdoors, eating food & cooking it, being right, not feeling like trash.

Darkest Secret: Eli didn't exactly find Mr G. The whole thing with that was clouded with fear and anger and blood - Mr G seemed to be grateful that she...I guess 'rescued' him is gonna have to do. All Eli knows is that she killed more than one person in order to do it, and she honestly didn't feel a damn thing while doing it. That's probably not good. Something about a carnival in the woods. Games. The kind you don't want to lose.

Relationships: Wanda (Mother) x2 I COULD BE A BETTER MOTHER THAN THAT BOSSY TROLLOP., Good Ol' Home Cooking x1, The Hunt x2, Mr G 'The Organ Grinder' x1 (Bond) ONLY ONE? IS THAT ALL I GET? YOU UNGRATEFUL GIT.

Feet: 3
Dodge: 1 P.E.: 1 Kicking: 0
Guts: 3
Courage: 2 Wind: 1 Wrestling: 0
Hands: 4
Marksmanship: 2 Shop: 2 Punching: 1 Blocking: 0
Brains: 3
Notice: 2 Out-think: 2 Remember: 0
Face: 2
Charm: 0 Connive: 0 Putdown: 1

Monster: The Organ Grinder (a.k.a. Mr G)

Appearance: Urbane, eloquent, aloof - Mr G is absolutely none of these things. HOW BLOODY DARE YOU, I- OH. RIGHT. Frequently seen with a drink, smoke or both on the go, The Organ Grinder is a monument to fallen fame, wearing threadbare ringmaster clothes, his tophat battered and broken. Although not immediately monstrous in appearance, on closer inspection his bloodshot eyes are actually completely blood red, and by that point, you've probably noticed the long, gangly limbs that reach much farther than a normal person's should, and if you're that close, you better hope he's in a good mood, otherwise you're lunch.

Hiding: Mr G is not a complicated kind of guy. If he needs to go away, he simply grabs on the brim of his top hat and yanks it down to his feet. He would appreciate it is Eli would wear it around with her, but she doesn't like the idea of him sitting on her head. In a pinch, his fingers sprouts from inside the hat, allowing him to scuttle around like a crab.

Personality: Pretty much flip-flops between grouchy hangover and psychotic maniac depending on the situation. Should there be an opportunity to raise a little hell, terrify some idiot mortals, or heaven forbid, someone takes a shot at Eli, he's a cackling murder machine of pithy asides and limb removal (often his own). When the situation is otherwise more peaceful, he returns to his more genuine state of a put-upon uncle looking after a cute, yet mildly annoying niece. He cares for Eli, and he does abide by her rules of not murdering absolutely everyone, but this girl really needs to get over some personal problems. FUCK MY LUCK IF I'M THE ONE WHO'S GOT TO GIVE HER LIFE ADVICE. MY GOD.


Trivia: The Organ Grinder used to be a legendarily nightmarish type of boogeyman, the one who caught all the kids who ran away from home who wanted to join the circus - except they joined his troupe of lost souls instead. AH, THE GOLDEN AGE BEFORE ALL THOSE PESKY CHILD LABOR LAWS. GOOD TIMES. His power, while subtle, was absolute within his domain, and his circus would travel the world, putting on fabulous shows of danger and splendor, totally unrelated to all those disappearances that kept happening at around the same time. Nothing to do with that officer, don#t know what you're on about. It was only when a very unusual boy walked into the Organ Grinder's trap that the tables turned - when Mr G encountered a will that was greater and more terrible than his own. ...CAN WE MOVE ON? PLEASE? Fine. Don't look at me like that. You can't do 'cute'. It looks like a dead puppy's head.

1: Dancing Shoes (D/U: Wicked Fast x1, Sweet x1)=2d
4-6: Buckets O' Guts (D/U: Immunity: Disembowelment, Tough x3, Sharing x1)=9d
7-8: Light Fingers (A/U: Wicked Fast x2, Awesome x1, Sweet x1)=5d
9: Leering Gob (U/U: Awesome x1)=3d
10: Born Entertainer (U: Sweet x1, Sharing x1)=3d

Stats Expanded
Dancing Shoes
Keeping a circus troupe of damned souls is a busy job, and Mr G is fast enough to keep up the pace when the situation demands it, whether that involved dodging the odd thrown bottle, brick or bullet (Defense), or wowing the crowd with footwork that would make Fred Astaire hang up his spats, go off somewhere quiet and shoot himself (Useful). WOW. THAT GOT DARK. Sorry.
Oh God. Okay. So he's called The Organ Grinder for a reason, and NO IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF HIS PENIS. Goddamn. His first and often only tool of choice for problem solving his is Organ, a hand-cranked cross between a music box, meat mincer and blunderbuss. Loaded by, well, packing it full of meat, more often than not the bodies of whoever might have annoyed him lately, the Organ has an almost limitless capacity, having at one point contained twenty men, several dogs and a cow without gaining any additional weight (Useful), before regurgitating them back out through the mincer as a barrage of ballistic blood, bone and viscera (Attack).
Buckets 'O Guts
Hey, nobody's perfect. Sometimes you get in the way of the knife thrower, or piss off the lion tamer and all of a sudden there's big hole where your abdomen used to be. Thankfully, Mr G has guts to spare, and often does, hamming up any opportunity to gush forth torrents of his own blood, guts and colorful language should he come to harm, while deftly disguising the fact that he's not actually hurt at all (Defense), or in a pinch, use his capacious guts to swallow and regurgitate anything that needs to be moved around incognito (Useful). It's not pretty, and the swallowed party does have the option of chestburstering their way back out if they really want to try, but it's harmless. Just very, very traumatizing. STOP BEING SO DRAMATIC. PARTIAL DIGESTION BUILDS CHARACTER - EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.
Light Fingers
When you're part of the show, you've got be versatile, you've got to be good enough with your hands that you can dazzle your audience with nothing but a coin or deck of cards (Useful) or, if they're getting a bit rowdy, pluck their eye out (Attack) and swallow it like a quail egg. That'll teach them not to heckle.
Leering Gob
Never one to grasp the concept of 'indoor voice' when shouting is so much more amusing, Mr G can employ his booming great voice to draw all eyes to him, (Useful) or single out a particular victim for a hellish series of curses, insults and rebukes that leave most simple mortals in tears (Useful). AND YET, NOT A SINGLE 'YOUR MOTHER' JOKE. I HAVE STANDARDS, AFTER ALL.
Born Entertainer
It might be easy to forget, but for all his murderous and demented antics, The Organ Grinder is first and foremost a showman of the highest caliber, even if recent events have had him out of practice for quite a while. Still, he knows how to capitalize on a situation to get feet stomping, hands clapping and voices raised in joyful song. When The Organ Grinder plays his tune, the dancefloor is the only place to be (Useful). AS A GREAT MAN ONCE SAID, LEAVE 'EM WITH A SONG. GOODNIGHT, EVERYBODY!


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2016, 07:36:10 PM »
Be a Road Trip, not a Ponyfinder.


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2016, 04:18:19 PM »
bless u Mr. Campen
Mobsters and Other Childish Things: "Say hello to my VERY BIG FRIEND"


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2016, 09:22:19 AM »
I'll bite. There's a character idea I've been tossing around for awhile that I've yet to stat out.


Eustace E. Erhardt

Spoiler: show
Name: Eustace Ebenezer Erhardt, although most people call him "Fluke" as an in-joke.
Age: 15
Appearance: Tall and handsome for his age, clean cut, strong-jawed, with short brown hair and baby blue eyes. He's dreamy in a way that would be unnerving if folk weren't so intrinsically drawn to him.
Personality: Affable, sociable, the kind of guy that has an honorary membership in every clique, can be seen somewhere in the background at every party, but isn't known for being especially delinquent. Most call him Fluke because of his penchant at winning games--at winning everything--and the early days when he'd keep calling it a fluke victory.
Favourite Things: High stakes gambling, challenges, and group activities.
Darkest Secret: Because Eustace doesn't have acne, another kid has acne on top of his acne. When Eustace grows facial hair, he grows a masterpiece beard while no one else around him can grow a hair. When Eustace plays pool, he wipes the table, but no one else can make a single shot. When Eustace gambles, everyone plays high, but only Eustace wins. Deep down inside, he knows and exploits this ability.
Relationships: high stakes (2), the one that got away (1), the pursuit of failure (1)
Weird Relationships: Lady Luck (2)

Feet: 3
Dodge: 2 P.E.: 1 Kicking: 0
Guts: 3
Courage: 2 Wind: 1 Wrestling: 0
Hands: 3
Shop: 2 Punching: 1 Blocking: 0
Brains: 3
Notice: 1 Out-think: 2 Remember: 0
Face: 3
Charm: 1 Connive: 2 Putdown: 0 Thief of Luck: 5

Weird Power: Thief of Luck
Attacks: steal dice from another person in the scene; these dice are temporarily added to Eustace's corresponding stat, and go away either after use or after the scene ends
Useful: the scene proceeds in Eustace's favor, but another character in the scene suffers a tragedy of equal value1
Extras: Wicked Fast x3

1. Examples: if this is used to win money at cards, someone else at the table loses big; if he asking a girl to go steady with him, another person nearby is dumped; if he's surviving a lethal accident, another person in the accident dies.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 07:21:58 PM by Nayt »
. o O (I think I must agree with Sliss. The "Fat Chance" would have been a perfect name for our ship.)


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2016, 02:42:27 PM »
At the suggestion of cornbreab, I am posting a link to a google doc where I've made a basic write-up for a MaOCT freakish child, John Does.


Link fixed
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 05:46:19 PM by Aabcehmu »


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2016, 03:01:27 PM »
John Does seems like an interesting concept, not just the 'unobtrusive' part, but having a vastly contradictory backstory. Makes me imagine he's some kind of narrative figment, a literal everyman.


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2016, 06:27:11 PM »
John Does seems like an interesting concept, not just the 'unobtrusive' part, but having a vastly contradictory backstory. Makes me imagine he's some kind of narrative figment, a literal everyman.

That is more-or-less what I was going for. He's a boy who's been written into existence, borrowed from the fragments of dozens of separate childhoods by a mysterious entity that takes the shape of a middle-aged woman for purposes unknown. If John were ever used, as a pc or npc, I'd hope that other projects that the 'Godmother' (who may or may not also be 'Fairy') worked on would come to light as well. Where these history-fragments come from, how they're made and why the Godmother seems connected to them could be latter plot-points.


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2016, 06:33:52 PM »
Wild Talents / Prominence-verse

Karesinda Megaloj, aka Gigas Vitro.

Spoiler: show
A woman who suffers from an extreme case of gigantism. At about 9'2, she is taller than any human ever has been. Contrary to myths of her condition, Kare's bones were actually incredibly fragile and she was confined to a wheelchair for almost half her life. Her heart was never powerful enough to circulate blood through her whole body with any degree of efficiency, her bones eventually could not sustain her height, and innumerable health issues spawned when Kare's over-active pituitary gland was artificially shut down. Kare approached life knowing it was temporary: made as many friends as possible, took as many opportunities as she could, and never passed up a chance to experience something unique. After all, no one with her condition ever lived past thirty. If nothing else, heart failure would be the end of her.

But two years ago, on her twenty-third birthday, she was surprised by friends and family with an act of charity: the world renowned surgeon and bio-tech engineer, Dr. Zachariah Gray, offered to provide Kare the first publically available procedure to restore her quality life--and even triple her expected lifespan. No cost. Just a long recovery time. Kare accepted.

The procedure was . . . complicated. Replacing much of her circulatory system (including her heart) with specially engineered, better parts. Secondly, replacing the bones of Kare's extremities with bio-tech facsimile: "bones" that could support her size, joints that'd let her keep her balance, and all out of materials that heal almost exactly the same as any ordinary bones.

And that was it. It went without a hitch. Two years of physical therapy and Kare was just a better human.

Then came the Reaper War, an international crisis that threatened all civilization. A madman sought to end the world. With the efforts of the Coalition of Heroes, he was stopped. But the world was wounded. Hundreds of millions of people without homes, entire cities reduced to rubble. Including Kare's home. Evacuations went surprisingly well; the Olympic stadium in her hometown was built well enough that it could survive a war. What came next, however, was messy. Rebuilding took effort, and there weren't enough people to spare for that effort. Kare took it upon herself to volunteer.

But rebuilding wasn't the hardest part. Sure, Kare devoted a lot of herself and her new strengths to aiding thousands, but the real problem were the looters, the murderers, and the madmen. All the worst of humanity that clawed out from under the rubble. It was only a matter of time before relief workers had to wear armor--and only a matter of time before Kare sought out these maniacs herself, to make her city a safer place.

Spoiler: show
Kare is a woman from northern Spain, about 25 years old. She is absurdly tall and lithe: 9'2 and 230 pounds. She has dark skin, green eyes, dark hair kept short and out of her eyes, and features proportional to her height. Like Robert Wadlow of the early 20th century, none of her features are exaggerated or awkward--she looks like any other human would, only twice as tall.

The appearance of Kare's alter-ego, Gigas Vitro, is still rather rudamentary. Light kevlar over the torso and legs, no sleeves, gauntlets, and a half-mask across her jaw and lips. It's all less to protect her identity (because that's impossible) and more to protect herself from knives, bats, dogs, and etc. Firearms aren't exactly a problem where she's from and it's rare for non-police officers to even own a firearm, so her costume doesn't account for them.

Spoiler: show
Cyborg + Inhuman Stats. I'm leaving 25 points free for Power Permissions. I'm at work at the moment and don't have access to anything other than the Wild Talents reference sheet.

Spoiler: show
Body: 4 (Athletics: 1, Block: 1, Brawling: 2, Endurance: 2, Melee [Improvised]: 2)
Hyper: 1+1w (Athletics: 1h, Brawling: 1, Endurance: 1h)
Coord: 2 (Dodge: 2, Stealth: 0, Drive [Vehicle]: 0, Ranged [Rifle]: 1)
Hyper: 4
Sense: 3   (Empathy: 2, Perception: 2, Scrutiny: 2)
Mind: 3   (First Aid: 3, Medicine: 2, Navigation: 1, Research: 4, Security: 0, Streetwise: 0,    Survival: 2, Tactics: 0, Disguise: 0)
Charm: 3   (Lie: 2, Persuation: 2)   
Comm.: 3 (nterrogate: 1, Intimidate: 4, Stability: 3)

Miracle: Immunity (Knockdown). 2h

Spoiler: show
Friends (2), Family (2), Dr. Gray (2)

Spoiler: show
Permissions: 25, Stats: 90, Hyperstats: 36, Skills: 82, Hyperskills: 5, Miracle: 9
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 07:58:41 PM by Nayt »
. o O (I think I must agree with Sliss. The "Fat Chance" would have been a perfect name for our ship.)


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2016, 01:54:35 PM »
Wild Talents / Prominence-verse

Adrian Zale, aka Papertrail.

Spoiler: show
Once upon a time, Adrian Zale was the second wealthiest man alive. A media mogul, a pharmaceutical kingpin, an investment wizard, oil tycoon, and a security broker; you name something Big, and he's been there. But the world of the wealthy is unkind; every dynasty is out for the top spot, the #1 richest person in the world. So, when the #1 died of heart failure, Zale--who'd then become the wealthiest man alive--was put in the crosshairs.

Zale was thirty at the time. Started his investments young, filtered through his (now deceased) father, climbed from middle class to top percentile by the time he could legally drink.

A simple patent dispute was the silver bullet to kill his legacy. His next generation of security cameras--which toted full color, fluid motion footage--just happened to have a similar technology (although claimed to have been built prior to the patent's claim) to the recording device of an upcoming cell phone. Enough damages were sought to utterly destroy him. And they did. Nearly. But financial ruin wasn't what nearly did him in. It was the loss of his most trusted partner: his father, Christopher Zale. Death from heart failure, but with no prior warning signs.

With what fortune he has left, Adrian funds justice. Or is it revenge? Something between the two? It doesn’t matter. There are costumed vigilantes that could use the money, people willing to do what the law won’t. Hell, he might even be able to afford a mask of his own.

Adrian’s mother, Maria, survives. Adrian hardly has the time to call her (and avoids it even when he does), but he sends her a check every month. She hasn’t cashed a single one.

Spoiler: show
Adrian is a short man of Israeli descent. Dark hair, stylish glasses, green eyes, dark skinned, and lean muscled. He’s meticulously clean cut, has a thousand dollar hair cuts, and wears fine, tailored suits. He looks like a rich, nerdy fop, hardly the type of person that funds vigilantism and even performs it himself when he must.

That being said, Adrian is not a fighter. He’s gotten into a few scraps, taken some training, and can passably defend himself, but his greatest strength are friends in high places and the untraceable cash he can dump into solving a problem.

Spoiler: show
Gadgeteering. I'm leaving 20 points free for Power Permissions. I'm at work at the moment and don't have access to anything other than the Wild Talents reference sheet.

Spoiler: show
Body: 3 (Athletics: 1, Block: 0, Brawling: 2, Endurance: 0)
Coord: 2 (Dodge: 2, Stealth: 0, Drive [Vehicle]: 2, Ranged [Pistol]: 1)
Sense: 3   (Empathy: 2, Perception: 2, Scrutiny: 2)
Mind: 4   (First Aid: 1, Medicine: 2, Navigation: 1, Research: 5, Security: 2, Streetwise: 0,    Survival: 0, Tactics: 0, Disguise: 2)
Charm: 4   (Contact [The Coalition of Heroes]: 1, Lie: 2, Persuation: 2)   
Comm.: 2 (Interrogate: 1, Intimidate: 0, Stability: 2)
Wealth: 3, 2h, 1w

Persuastion (Smoozing): 1

Miracle: The Gadgeteering related Miracles are regrettably not in the WT reference doc, so I'll have to copy and paste them from the book when I'm not at work. I'm leaving 50 points for Miracles. I recall Gadgeteering being expensive as hell.

Spoiler: show
Revenge (3), Family (2), Justice (1)

Spoiler: show
Permissions: 20, Stats: 90, Skills: 64, Contacts: 3, Specialties: 1, Wealth: 22, Miracles: 50
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 04:04:07 PM by Nayt »
. o O (I think I must agree with Sliss. The "Fat Chance" would have been a perfect name for our ship.)


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2016, 06:26:47 PM »
I think at this point I'm just drafting up WT pregens that can be used in any Prominence-like setting. I got superhero concepts for days up in this head noodle. Honestly, if anyone wants to make use of these characters (feel free to change the backstory, some of them reference events in the Prominence-verse, but the serial numbers are easily filed off and replaced with any kind of disaster you'd like), please do. I don't think they'll ever see use otherwise, hahaha.

Wild Talents / Prominence-verse

Piotr Teranakov, aka Metallus Rex.

Spoiler: show
The resurgence of heroes and costumed adventurers dropped right in the midst of Piotr Teranakov's adolescence, and the then young teen couldn't have been happier. News feeds were flooded with the exploits of new heroes--of Ghost, the Wraith, Clockwork, Panopticon, the Red Dragon, the Thane of Sydney, all just to name a few--and the very concept of true life tales of action, adventure, romance, and danger enamored him for years. Piotr wanted to be like these people. He wanted to live these things he'd only ever seen in comic books before.

So he trained. Martial arts, power lifting, agility training, everything he could think of that could make a good adventurer out of him. Throughout high school, he even took extra shop and home-economics courses to learn how to build and weave all the kinds of armor he'd need to survive.

But here's the rub of it: Piotr's got his armor, his suit, self-training, and been on a few exciting climbs, but he's only just graduated high school and he's never been in a fight. The life of the costumed adventurer seems glamorous in the stories--but is hell in reality. This kid's got no idea what he's in for.

Spoiler: show
Piotr is an eighteen-year-old boy of Russian descent, about 5'10, 200 pounds. He's fairly well muscled and athletic, has slicked back black hair, green eyes, and a strong jaw. Facial hair continues to elude him. As his adventurer persona, Metallus Rex, he wears a black sleeveless shirt and thick black pants underneath a metal breastplate, with cuisses and greaves over his legs. He's left a lot of the linking components missing for ease of movement, and keeps them taughtly strapped to his body. He covers his face with a red scarf tied over his nose and mouth and wears a ball cap over his hair.

His alter ego's appearance remains subject to change, of course, based solely on the kinds of armor he builds in the future.

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I'm leaving 10 points for Permissions available; I don't yet know if I want to go with Power Theme (Armorsmith) or something different. I'm going to err on the side of Armorsmith, though.

Spoiler: show
Body: 3 (Athletics: 3, Block: 0, Brawling: 3, Endurance: 2)
Coord: 4 (Dodge: 1, Stealth: 0)
Sense: 4   (Empathy: 0, Perception: 4, Scrutiny: 4)
Mind: 3 (First Aid: 2, Medicine: 0, Navigation: 2, Research: 0, Security: 2, Streetwise: 1, Survival: 1, Tactics: 0, Disguise: 3)
Charm: 3   (Lie: 2, Persuation: 3)   
Comm.: 2 (Interrogate: 1, Intimidate: 1, Stability: 2)


Miracle: Armorsmith. 8d
* Qualities: Defends (+2), Useful (+2)
* Extras & Flaws: If/Then: requires a forge of some kind (-1), If/Then: takes 24-width hours to complete (-1), If/Then: everything he builds must have the following extras, flaws, and qualities: Armored Defense, Defends, Endless, Focus, and Power Capacity (Self) (-1), Permanent (+4), Power Capacity (mass) (+0), Variable Effect (+4),
* With enough time, materials, and a good work space, Piotr can construct all kinds of armor--chainmail, kevlar plate, leather, reinforced cloth, and even some super-science stuff if he's got the materials for it. He can sometimes even embed useful tools in them.

Spoiler: show
Adventure (3), Mom & Dad (2)

Spoiler: show
Permissions: 10, Stats: 95, Skills: 73, Contacts: 0, Specialties: 0, Wealth: 0, Miracles: 72
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 06:52:59 PM by Nayt »
. o O (I think I must agree with Sliss. The "Fat Chance" would have been a perfect name for our ship.)


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2016, 01:54:18 PM »
Continuing on with all these Prominence-verse superhero ideas that I’ve had. Which are apparently infinite. I’ve drafted up now a brawler, a wealthy gadgeteer, and an armorsmith. I think I’ll throw down this idea I’ve had for awhile for a stealth character.

Wild Talents / Prominence-verse

Dani al’Shif, aka Abd al-Hakim.

Spoiler: show
Dani’s history is one of constant fighting. Hailing from Iraq, Dani grew up with war. It came to her home, threatened her brothers and parents, and none had the power to drive it off. When a childhood friend was slaughtered in the street for no discernible reason, Dani declared war. She took a knife and gutted the insurgent in the street. Knowing that the crime would eventually come back to her family, she took to the shadows. Abandoned her family--even faked her own death later--and devoted herself to the wholesale murder of the murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and militants in the region.

Experience taught her well. War is difficult alone. Requires subterfuge, something she had to master to survive--and strike fear into the hearts of enemies of peace.

During the Reaper War, Saqin Rasche--leader of the internationally powerful army--chose to complete a life-long vendetta against unlawful militants in the Middle East. Insurgencies were violently eliminated with swift and brutal efficiency, leaving Dani to question her methods (does wanton murder of bad people make her the same as Reapers, the army that declared war on all civilization?), her value as a lone vigilante (just how much can one person really do?), and her place in the world (if the Reapers finally killed those she endeavored to destroy, what else is there left for her?).

And so she wanders.

Spoiler: show
Dani is a twenty-five year old woman with a jagged scar that runs across her jaw and up her right cheek, acquired when a man tried to carve the mask from her face. She is 5’7, with dark skin, green eyes, and lean muscles. She has short but incredibly curly black hair--impossible to tame.

Her alter ego, Abd al-Hakim (“servant of the All-wise”) in characterized by a thick facemask with only slanted slits exposed for her eyes and three vertical slits over her mouth for breathing; the mask itself is wrapped in a headscarf. She wears loose fitting robes over light kevlar. Because criminals and militants in the region scarcely use more than knives or low caliber rifles, she hardly needs anything more protective than that.

While the suit is colored in blacks and browns for stealth, there is an intentional air of femininity to it: headscarf, loose robes, and accentuated curves. But this is not for vanity. One of the greatest fears of the Jihadist is to be killed by a woman, which prevents entry into Heaven*. Each of her marks are to burn in Hell. Dani insists. Nothing about those details inhibit her performance or protection.

*. I’m not making that up. There is an anti-terror group made up entirely of women that play on this belief. They’re goddamn badasses, and Jihadist groups are terrified of them.

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Adept. Can purchase any number of Hyperskills.

Spoiler: show
Body: 3 (Athletics: 3, Block: 2, Brawling: 3, Endurance: 3, Melee Weapon [Sword]: 4)
Hyper      (In the Weak Spots: 4)
Coord: 4 (Dodge: 3, Stealth: 3)
Hyper     (Stealth [In the Shadows]: 1w)
Sense: 3   (Empathy: 1, Perception: 3, Scrutiny: 1)
Hyper      (Scrutiny [Tactical Analysis]: 1w)
Mind: 2 (First Aid: 3, Medicine: 2, Navigation: 3, Research: 0, Security: 2, Streetwise: 1, Survival: 3, Tactics: 0, Disguise: 3)
Hyper     (Disguise [As a Civilian]: 1h)
Charm: 2   (Lie: 4, Persuation: 2)   
Comm.: 3 (Interrogate: 3, Intimidate: 4, Stability: 3)

Hyperskill: In the Weak Spots
Extras & Flaws: Attacks 2 (+2), Go First 3 (+3), Penetration 3 (+3)

Spoiler: show
The Pursuit of Peace (3), Justice (2)

Spoiler: show
Permissions: 5, Stats: 85, Skills: 118, Hyperskills: 42
. o O (I think I must agree with Sliss. The "Fat Chance" would have been a perfect name for our ship.)


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2016, 03:54:26 AM »
Dammit, now I want to draft up something for Wild Talents, but I have SO MANY THINGS to sort out.

For the time being, I'll probably throw up my character sheet for my 7th Sea campaign. We're about to kick off a campaign with the new rulebook and I've been putting this off for far too long.


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2016, 07:23:56 AM »
Do iiiiit. 7th Sea characters are always super fun!
. o O (I think I must agree with Sliss. The "Fat Chance" would have been a perfect name for our ship.)


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2016, 11:36:59 AM »
It's taking ages simply because the damn rulebook is packed full of fascinating lore. I'll throw in more detail, but the bare bones of it are:

Vanya Stieglig

Spoiler: show

Standing at a rakish 6' 6'', Vanya stands apart from the typical strapping Eisen stock by having gained such a build at the apparent expense of actual mass, his limbs and torso being whip-thin, banded with corded muscle. Combined with his ice-blond tangle of hair and near-black-brown eyes boggling out from a drawn, urgent-looking face, he resembles an ungainly wading bird, much to the teasing of his siblings and his own personal embarrassment.

Born to a large family with a strong Söldner bloodline, Vanya was blessed by the wealth and success of his forebears, as well as burdened with their expectations. For generations the Steiglig name had been attributed to many of Eisen's great battles, always at the head of the charge, the heart of the battle, crashing again and again into the fray in the name of the holy Vaticine. Vanya had no such chance. He was born into an Eisen broken in two, raised to fight against less obvious foes - ignorance, pestilence, lawlessness and, in later life, the monsters that encroached from the Schwarzen Wälder.

Contrary to many of his counterparts, Vanya was not well-suited to the grander teachings of the classical schools of military education in Eisen. He was too careful, methodical, a man who'd make a better thief-taker than a soldier, his friends would joke. When he turned this lens of insight to the art of slaying monsters, however, Venya found his niche. Blending traditional hunting methods with a smattering of Hexe magic, he swiftly proved himself not only a talented fighter, but a shrewd and insightful investigative mind also. Such minds are often sought out by Die Kruzritter, the secret society of monster hunters and defenders of the Eisen people from the horrors of the Schwarzen Wälder, but the very talents that make Vanya so good at what he does is also his greatest drawback. An elder of the society has tasked Vanya with a task to prove his worth. Should he complete it to their satisfaction, he will become a member of their society.

Spoiler: show

Brawn 2 + 1 = 3
Finesse = 2
Resolve 2 + 1 + 1 = 4
Wits = 2
Panache = 2

Spoiler: show

Aim: 1 + 2 = 3
Athletics: 2 + 0 = 2
Brawl: 1 + 1 = 2
Intimidate: 1 + 1 = 2
Notice: 2 + 1 = 3
Scholarship: 0 + 2 = 2
Tempt: 1 + 0 = 1
Warfare 0 + 2 = 1
Weaponry: 2 + 1 = 3

Spoiler: show

Cast Iron Stomach (f)
Spoiled or raw food never negatively affects you, and you still gain required sustenance from it.

I Won't Die Here (f)
Spend a Hero Point to ignore all negative effects from Dramatic Wounds for the round—the Villain does not gain Bonus Dice if you have 2 Dramatic Wounds, and you do not become Helpless at 4 Dramatic Wounds.

Indomitable Will (f)
After another character attempts to intimidate, seduce, or otherwise goad you, spend a Hero Point to automatically resist.

Linguist (1 pt)
You speak, read, and write all Théan languages. Even the dead ones.

Signature Item (3 pts) - Beautifully Crafted Whalebone Harpoon
Choose a specific item that is important to you.
Describe it, decide why it is important, and maybe even give it a name. You can always spend a Hero Point to...
• Have your Signature Item appear in the next scene if you lose it or it is stolen.
• Gain 2 Bonus Dice on a Risk when using your Signature Item.
• Attack a foe to deal Wounds equal to the Raises you spend plus your highest Trait when using the Signature Item.
• Prevent a number of Wounds equal to the Raises you spend plus your highest Trait when using the Signature item.
You must always describe how your Signature Item helps you, and it must make sense for the item to gain you any bonuses in this way (GM discretion).

Sorcery (f)
You gain the Sorcery from your National bloodline. If you purchase this Advantage after Hero Creation, you may only do so with a Hero Story. See the Sorcery chapter for more information.

Staredown (1 pt)
Spend a Hero Point to intimidate a character into backing down from a threat, letting you into some-where he shouldn’t, or otherwise getting out of your way.

Spoiler: show

You are a master of Hexenwerk, the sorcery of the dead.

Quirk: Earn a Hero Point when you go out of your way to ensure that the dead stay dead.

Advantages: Sorcery, Sorcery, Cast Iron Stomach.

Skills: Athletics, Intimidate, Notice, Tempt, Weaponry.

You know that there are unnatural creatures stalking your homeland, and you’ve sworn to destroy them.

Quirk: Earn a Hero Point when you choose to hunt down an inhuman creature so it will never hurt anyone ever again.

Advantages: I Won’t Die Here, Indomitable Will.

Skills: Aim, Athletics, Brawl, Notice, Weaponry.

Spoiler: show

Corpse Tongue - Major
The severed tongue of a corpse, soaked in nightshade and ground into a paste, rubbed on the hexe’s tongue.
Corpse Tongue allows you to speak with a dead body, receiving messages from it about anything it knew in life. You can ask two questions for each point of Resolve you have, and the corpse must answer you honestly. After you ask your last question, you vomit, and the corpse you have been questioning crumbles into dust—you cannot question it further, even if you have an additional dose of Corpse Tongue.

Master’s Bread - Major
A dead brain with a number of hallucinogenic herbs, mushrooms, and the like and mixed into a dough-like substance before being allowed to dry. After eating, you can give a single command an undead Monster Squad must immediately perform (such as to attack a particular target, break down a barricade, etc.). A Monster Squad cannot attack itself. Against an undead Villain, Master’s Bread grants 1 Raise on any social Risk against the Villain.

Summer’s Smile - Minor
A poultice brewed from water from a fast-flowing stream and sickeningly sweet herbs. When applied to a Dramatic Wound caused by an undead Monster, the Dramatic Wound is healed at the end of the Scene.

Winter’s Scowl - Minor
Holy water, a thorny rose stem, and a few drops of hexe blood. The holy water hardens into an impossibly thin and sharp blade of ice. When you make an attack against an undead Monster using Winter’s Scowl, you spend Raises as normal to inflict Wounds. If you inflict a Wound, the Monster is stunned for the rest of this Round, meaning it cannot take any actions (but may still spend Raises to defend itself, if it is a Villain). After a single use, Winter’s Scowl shatters.

Autumn’s Sigh - Minor
Seeds from a rotten pumpkin, common red table wine, and a teardrop. Characters who drink Autumn’s Sigh will sleep soundly for the night, untroubled by nightmares (natural or supernatural). They will awaken as normal due to outside stimulus (such as being woken normally, loud noises, etc.), but they fall asleep easily, and their sleep is idyllic and restful.

Spring’s Laugh - Minor
Fresh spring flowers, tree sap, and rain water mixed into a thick syrup. A character who consumes Spring’s Laugh is immune to an undead Monster’s Fear rating for one Scene.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 05:23:32 PM by Sabwones »


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Re: Character Bank 2.0
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2016, 04:21:47 PM »
I know I should be creating my 7th Sea character but dammit I need to get this guy down in text for later:

Gregory Lubb
The Boy With An Octopus For A Head
Spoiler: show


Short, tanned, with road shoulders and long arms for his age. Has a fully sentient and mildly belligerent octopus for a head, a Southern Red, to be specific. He and it are constantly warm and slightly clammy to the touch, with a faint rubbery texture to their skin. Given the size of his ‘passenger’, he wears a modified beekeeper’s shroud over his head as much as possible, under the pretense of extreme disfigurement...which is technically true. This also helps rein in the roving tentacles of the octopus itself, which has a tendency to grab random objects within reach and play around with them.

Quiet and unerringly polite, Gregory interacts with the world at a safe distance whenever possible, due to his condition and the way he manages it, he finds it tricky to speak publicly, preferring to ‘whisper’ to a single person or to a small group via telepathy. While he can ‘speak’ in the normal sense, the combination of beak and valves makes this almost unintelligible, meaning this only ever really happens in times of extreme stress.

Before his change, Greg was a big sports fan - an avid swimmer, with aspirations of going pro after school. Since then, with no way of being able to swim publicly, or even use chlorinated pools without choking, he’s had to start finding other ways of killing time. Reading was never a strong suit (in truth he actually struggles with dyslexia), but audiobooks have been a fun way of filling the hours, as well as the occasional quiet fishing trip with Mr Dee.

Gregory was a bit of an unusual addition to the Lubb family, out of a clan of doctors and technicians and cubicle jockeys, a sporting prodigy had landed in their midst like a well-aimed brick in a millpool. Despite initially being seen as an oddity, the family rallied behind him, giving financial and emotional support as best they could. His initial tryouts for the under 18’s competitions were exemplary and his first few competitions had him earmarked as a young talent to watch. Giddy with possibilities for the future, the Lubb clan took a family holiday to Cyprus to celebrate.

When they came back, Gregory had changed significantly. The matter of competitive swimming was quietly put to rest. All in all, the family quietly redacted the last few years from their minds and regressed to treating their youngest as if he’d always been the shy, quiet, stunted creature he’d become. These days the only adult Greg feels any kind of kinship towards is his paid ‘carer’ Mr Dee, pretty much the only person outside of the Lubb family who knows about Greg’s condition and treats him like a normal human being.

Albeit one with an octopus for a head.

Favourite Things
Swimming, Watching Sports, Crab (Whole. Crunchy.)

Darkest Secret
Early on, when he’d first changed, Greg had contemplated something really drastic. If Mr Dee hadn’t seen the signs and intervened, he may not be here today, although he still bears the scars of what he tried to do...and keeps them hidden from his family at all costs.

Mr Dee (2), The Lubbs (1), Sportsmanship (1)

Weird Relationships
Southern Red-Head (1), Call Of The Sea (1)


Feet: 4
Dodge: 1 P.E.: 3 Kicking: 0
Guts: 4
Courage: 1 Wind: 3 Wrestling: 1
Hands: 4
Shop: 1 Punching: 1 Blocking: 1
Brains: 2
Notice: 1 Out-think: 0 Remember: 2
Face: 1
Charm: 0 Connive: 0 Putdown: 0

Weird Powers

Hands + Prehensile Grip - Greg’s hands are a little more concave than you first expect. When he presses them against a flat surface, they stick fast. Lately he’s learned that this can be applied to a lot more than just walls. (1d, Useful - Wall Climb)

Guts + Gills - Given how the octopus is now doing the duties of seeing and eating, breathing also came under its purview. Good for him, this meant being able to breathe underwater. (1d, Useful - Water Breathing, Immunity - Drowning)

Brains + Telepathy - For a long time Greg couldn't talk, or communicate in any meaningful way other than writing things down for people to read, something that was made doubly difficult thanks to his struggle with dyslexia. Then, one day, he started being able to talk, but directly into people's heads. He's a bit worried, because he has absolutely no idea why that is. Maybe it's the octopus. Can they be psychic? Are they all like this, but choose not to? SO MANY QUESTIONS. (1d, Useful - Direct Telepathy)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 05:30:25 PM by Sabwones »