James: "Who do you think I make these jokes for!?"
Kevin: "Is it GREG!?"
James: "It is now!"
Travis: "That line is going to be quoted by Greg to prove you wrong!"
Kevin: "GREG! Don't do it! Do not succumb to his blatant... flattery!"
Travis: "See the problem is I called Greg out, and now he's such a... I have it so Greg will HAVE to do it, but he'll put a number of asterisks like 'I do this against my will. Kevin told me not to. Travis forced my hand. I'm very conflicted. I probably should erase this."
Matt: "I wanna see another set of asterisks that's like 'I'm writing this cuz Travis said this.' And it keeps going down as we keep talking..."
Kevin: "Have some goddamn pride! Do not applaud this sycophant. Maintain your artistic integrity!"
Matt: "He has the pride to be the only person who posts on our fucking forums anymore."
James: "I thought i'd never use my psych degree again."
Kevin: "I read all the posts."
Matt: "I read em too."
Kevin: "In the dark times, I read when someone thought I was funny."
Travis: "I look like a neo nazi, and the more I talk the more I sound like I was bred to be one."
James: "Well you are from the south."
Matt: "Right now Travis is wearing a wifebeater, and occasionally when he turns his body the right way I can see his nips."
Kevin: "Is that a neo nazi thing?!"
Matt: "If you're playing it straight, you're doing it wrong."
Travis: "Can that be the tagline for the game?"
James: "Every time he says 'nips' is gets 5% faster."