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Messages - crazon

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
General Discussion / Pictures and Other Childish Things 2.0
« on: July 20, 2016, 06:27:06 PM »
Figure we should bring this thread back, it's just always fun to see what people find that would work for MaOCT and similar game ideas.

So here we go, lets see what people find.

While Maui would be an obvious choice for weird kid fodder, the new International trailer shows and does it so much more justice than these images the coolness of Moana's "Ocean Friend".

Show Discussion / Re: First time DnU listeners suggested games.
« on: July 09, 2016, 01:29:19 PM »
"Devil's Bazaar" and "Traveling Bazaar"? Both really fun Monsters& games.

I think I know what to add to my Gencon shopping list. I'll have a deeper look into Reign, thanks!

Tabletops and You / Science Fantasy Riders game: What system to use?
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:35:41 PM »
So I recently have been thinking of running a game of science fantasy with beast rider elements (see "Dragon Riders of Pern" or "Panzer Dragoon" series)

The Premise is characters are adventuring riders or handlers of large bio-engineered "Dragon" creatures of varying abilities. The people and culture is medieval or relatively low tech except for the large flying creatures they ride, which are products of the only surviving super tech from a long lost civilization. The ruins of which dot the land and coastal sea. The main thing the game would touch on is travelling to these ancient places and confronting biological monstrosities that have made them their lair and uncovering forgotten tech and treasures left by the ancestors and recovering information of that bygone era.

I have three systems I've been thinking of so far (Mainly because I have them and wanna try them with something and think they could work for designing the big beasties). Open to hear any other ideas or suggestions for systems or the game itself.

- Monsters and Other Childish Things (Easy to build powerful monster creatures and would match a general feel and scope of the game.)
- Wild Talents (Similar to Monsters& but more complex creature creation.)
- Base Raiders (Creature creation and the game has an in system feel of adventuring into and exploring and relic hunting super tech and knowledge from an ancient civilization.)

Curious to hear what people think.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: June 29, 2016, 02:52:01 PM »
It has begun ANEW!!!  ;D

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