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Messages - crazon

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Tabletops and You / Junji Ito's Japan Campaign Idea
« on: February 15, 2017, 06:45:57 PM »
So a recent email I received for Al Dente Rigamortis sparked some game fodder involving Junji Ito's manga works. I'm thinking of running a Call of Cthulhu campaign but instead of the Cthulhu Mythos, using the world of Uzamaki, Tomie, Gyo, Etc. and instead of New England, place it in a Japan plagued by those horrors. I'm guessing it will turn out plot wise to how I figured the DnU's Ichor Falls game would have played out, combining elements from the the different stories and building connections.

I've already sort of figured out how to start. Character s are investigating/hunting for a missing transfer student/clients kid who went missing, and follow a string of clues hinting that he met "a girl" and leading toward the small coastal town of KurĂ´zu-cho. And then just keep building the set pieces from that. Luckily I have a fair sized collection of Ito's work and anthologies to pull for references.

The investigators can be (I figure based on the preferences of my Live crew if I run this) either detectives from Japan or from North America (read Vancouver) who go overseas to track down the missing kid.

Just thought I'd toss this up here if anyone wanted to suggest some ideas or opinions? I know a few here are familiar with/fans of Junji Ito and I'll probably post updates and recordings if this actually gets off the ground.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:26:34 PM »
Naediri: Mother!
Everyone: What?
Kheired-Din: What.
James: Kheired-Din knows few Avalon words, this is one.

Kheired-Din:Oh no... oh noooo...
Charlie: Is he from Milwaukee?

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:04:23 PM »
James: Slam Dunk it. Light it.
Matt: Bop it.
Charlie: Flick it... HARDER!
James: eugh...
Matt: Oh god, Why!

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: February 13, 2017, 10:27:02 PM »
James: You go to the Bar equivalent of Costco.
Matt: What?!
James: Litres or gallons.

James: She's also able to pull sword from her mouth.
Kevin: I guess I could do that too.
James: What a tear portal open in your mouth?
Kevin: Yeah, why not? It'd be a neat parlour trick. 'Hey guys look what I can do!' umlg...
James: Wow, he's got his whole fist right in there.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:27:38 PM »
Alex: I'll Take the Damage!
Kevin: The Emperor wants blood.
Axe: So that's 7 pen 1, so I think that 1 damage to you actually?
Alex: Dead, I'm dead. It killed me.
Axe: I dont think it killed you.
Alex: Where's, where's my character sheet to rip... I have to print it out to rip it up.

Josh: It's almost likely you said blasted flesh monkeys.
James: He didn't.
Josh: I know, but it sounded like it and I like that phrase... THOSE BLASTED FLESH MONKEYS!!!

James: Bone dust, it get'ss everywhere!
Sam: It's course and gritty, I hate it.
Josh: I hate you.
Sam: No you dont.
Axe: I love you.
James: Heresy!

Axe: Come, you know that scene would be a hundred times more awesome if it was about bone dust instead of sand!

Axe: I hate tusken raiders...
Sam: There course and gritty and...oh...

James: Why is there a draft around my liver.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:36:57 PM »
Matt: This is just like in Lord of the Rings, except instead of digging too deep for Mithril, they just dug a deep hole to shit into.

Kevin: I'm pretty sure the fate witches make "Mean Girls" look like "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants".
James: I'm pretty Sure they make "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" look like "The Ya-Ya Sisterhood"

James: One button.

Charlie: What's the TN to invent Hamilton?
Charlie: We need the TN to invent America!

Charlie: Wait, they're at war with Russia AND Castille?
James: They've made some decisions OK.

Show Discussion / Re: 7th Sea and other magical piratey things question
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:07:17 PM »
Welp, purchased a copy of 7th Sea 2nd Ed. Thanks James! (that's actually sincere)

I've got a question about the geographical changes. What's your feelings regarding the changes? Like Avalon's change dont seem so bad, but they have re-drawn Vendel/Vestenmannavnjar from a series of islands into a mainland peninsula. I recall you saying in one of the episode it was once a larger landmass in it's history, so is this a retcon in 2nd ed? Or is there an in-setting reason the islands are no longer? Is this in the same time period as first edition? Seems like a big change since I always imagined Kirk being a port city from the episodes where the crew visited it and now on the map it's fairly land-locked. Also Cathay is not even on the map anymore save steppes.

I'm just curious on your opinions of the changes? (Anyone's really.)

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 15, 2017, 12:58:57 AM »
Axe: I have the Swinging Knack... Hahahah! Fuck you 7th Seas, I'VE BEATEN YOU!!!

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 13, 2017, 11:59:28 AM »
James: So, are you ready to enter the Murder Hole.
Matt: Yeah...
Charlie: Well, maybe Murderhole is some thing different in this language.
Jame: Muurdr'hall! hur, hur, hur.
Matt: What?

Jesus, did I have a stroke that session? I don't remember that at all...

I believe you were trying to do a really exaggerated swedish accent. It was when they were going into the Syrneth Dungeon?

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 13, 2017, 11:20:06 AM »
Matt: Did we ask about the Explorer Guild guy's name?
James: No.
Matt: We should really ask more questions.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:53:37 PM »
Charlie: I'm gonna prove my innocence next session, through superior combat abilities.
Axe: That's called resisting arrest.

Matt: I thought we had a shovel on the ship.
Kevin: Why would we?
Matt: For digging up buried treasure! We're f***ing pirates!!!
Kevin: Yeah, I thought we'd just use our cutlasses and eyepatches.

James: So, are you ready to enter the Murder Hole.
Matt: Yeah...
Charlie: Well, maybe Murderhole is some thing different in this language.
Jame: Muurdr'hall! hur, hur, hur.
Matt: What?

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 11, 2017, 06:56:14 PM »
(Apologies if this has been added already)

Valentin: So our options are persuading a whole town to be nice to one another for a day, or hunting down a mythological creature who may reside in another reality. And that creature might just tell us the rules and that we have to do option one anyway.
Mayor: I'm so happy you have those as your options.
Valentin: Listen, we could just bash you over the head and steal the hat.
Mayor: Meredithwouldkillatleastoneofyou.Meredithwouldkillatleastoneofyouifyoutried!
James: Meredith nods.

James: They're all grinning at you.
Matt: All those Mayors.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 10, 2017, 10:15:32 PM »
Josh: I'm going to go somewhere in the shadows, where I can switch outfits.
James: Wow, your Like a Superhero.
Josh: I'm the opposite actually... what's a word for that.
James: Ninja.
Josh: Yes, Ninjas are the opposite of Superheroes.
James: Deathstroke sighs.
Josh: As he sheathes his Katana.

Forum Roleplaying / Re: Disney Villains United
« on: January 10, 2017, 12:07:30 AM »
(Yzma has Aideen as a hostage. Jagged knife at the ready.)

Yzma: Alright, Everyone! Little man! Got the girl! No one move or I'll DO IT! Dont think I WONT!!!
Greg: And she will uh... yeah, make an intimidate attack on Gustav... 'cause Im very confident this wouldn't affect him.
(Rolling commences, stat stuff)
Greg: Well she's got really low Charisma but pretty high Intimidate.
Ryan: Does she used Nudity?
Yzma: I'll kill the girl, and pull out my boob...
Greg(who was just playing Yzma): Ewwwwggggg!!!

Max: The old witchy titty?
Greg: I'll give you the cold one!

Ryan: Everyone's doing the Fonz, like "Ehhhh!"
Greg: Ehhhaaaa!... WAZAAAAAAAAAAAP!
Max: Ugh.
Max: I wish I didn't.

(Aideen feeling down about going berserk)
Greg: Look, if no one else will, BlackAnchor will sit her down and go...
BlackAnchor: Look kid, you need someone to talk to... Im gonna send in AnchorWhite.
(Amidst Ryan laughing)
Greg: And then he's gonna just walk away like, Im no good at this.
BlackAnchor:I am not good with girls or kids.
Ryan(as BlackAnchor): You need a strong fatherly figure to talk to right about now, and THAT is nooooooot meeee.
Greg (as BlackAnchor): I kinda killed a couple of people yesterday, sooooo...

Ryan: Gustav is probably the most fatherly character around.
Greg: I too wish Gustav was my Dad.

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: January 06, 2017, 11:40:54 PM »
Matt: "I am like Arbys, except instead of meats, all I have is notes."
Review Cultist: "I know what this episode's cover art is going to be now: you in an Arby's uniform."
Matt: "What is an 'Arby's uniform?!"
RC: "Well, not so much a uniform. Maybe like a mascot costume."
Matt: "What is Arby's' mascot!?"
RC: "I dunno. A big red hat?"
Dr. Leviathan: "It's a little red hat that floats over your head when you're hungry. That's not a mascot. That's a symptom."

I'm so proud of that little piece of dumb. XD

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