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Messages - luffy316

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Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 26, 2016, 11:43:11 PM »
Matt: "I'd herd that Mortal Kombat was supposed to be a game based on Bloodsport."
Charlie: "Kind of like how Donkey Kong was supposed to be a Popeye game?"
Matt: "Yea... imagine what kind of world that would have been."
Charlie: "It would have been a one-off."
Matt: "Or would we just have Popeye Galaxy?
Charlie, laughing: "...what a world we would have lived in."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 25, 2016, 09:07:56 PM »
Max: "If this LP is going to be nothing but Animorphs and Shreks then I'm leaving right now."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:59:19 PM »
Charlie: "Well it needs a skull. If you're a legit pirate, you need to enter the skeleton war."
James: "One flag is a scotty dog with a dagger in its mouth."
"We could give it like a rose and a crown."
Matt: "Or a spooky ghost. Just put a sheet ghost over the flag. In fact, we just cut out our flag to be in the shape of a ghost. It looks like a whacky inflatable arm-flailing tube man, like the ones in front of used car lots."
James: "I've decided you are no longer to be trusted with the decision over your own flag."
Matt: "Kevin hasn't said anything yet. We're just bullshitting."
Kevin: "Those all sound like good ideas. I just haven't decided yet."
James: "I've decided you are no longer to be trusted with the decision over your own flag."

James: "You don't see any pirate flags, but you do see a large amount of ships flying neutral colors, all of which are loaded with variable amounts of guns."
Charlie: "It's a veritable Whacky Races of ships."

Matt: "That was my favorite Scooby Doo parody; Sorpy Dorp."
Charlie: "Yea... but who was Sorpy Dorp?"
Matt: "He was their talking... alien."
Charlie: "Yea, instead of a talking dog."
Ax: "Or a talking shark. Or caveman."
Charlie: "Or a ghost!"
Ax: "Pff! Yea..."
James: "My favorite character was Vanessa. 'Jankles!"

James: "That wasn't even the only time they had Batman on. I know they had an episode where they had Batman AND the Harlem Globetrotters."
Charlie: "AWWW MAN!"

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 20, 2016, 07:02:40 PM »
James: "All of his internal blood bags were merging into one blood bag."
Alex: "What?"
James: "He's melting!"

Josh: "Now I can continue my course from knight to noir detective. I greet her as a dame, because she is of the same noble ranking as myself."
James: "She had legs that went on for DECADES AND DECADES!"
Josh: "She had a fiefdom that just wouldn't quit... because they would be severely punished if they did."

Alex: "Can we see if he had access to the landing bay, or whatever they'd call it in this world?"
Kevin: "The Landinarium."
Alex: "I... can't tell if you're joking.
Kevin: "Not this time."

Kevin: "Alex, you should start carrying a fire extinguisher with you too. 'Wait, we need that one alive.' Pshhhhhh!"

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:45:14 PM »
Max: "I didn't know Sonic had joined the assassin's guild. What will that spikey man think of next? He is movin' quite fast, pickin' up all that jewelry. What a good blue man!"

Charlie: "What if our mom fell into a clown factory?"

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 17, 2016, 11:22:11 PM »
Charlie: "I will fucking end you over Ape Escape lore!"

Max: "This is how wrenches work. You can go into your toolbox and get a wrench right now. Audience, if you want to do that, pause the video. Take your time right now, go collect your wrench. Find your local clown and give him a wallop over the head."
Charlie: "Well it has to be to the death."
Max: "Yea. Yea. Audience, you can do this, pause this right now. Then you will find that you can no longer wrench things with it anymore"
Charlie: "Also, we're not lawyers or anything. So we can't get in trouble for... for clown poaching."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 15, 2016, 11:22:45 AM »
Matt: "Would you rather get in  a barfight with Mike Tyson in his prime, or talk like Mike Tyson for the rest of your life?"
Charlie: "I mean, doesn't one lead to the other?"

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:45:21 PM »
Charlie: "Also, Team Rocket dressed up as Ash and friends to commit crimes and deface their name. So in other news, Team Rocket still rules. Still the best part of the show."

Charlie: "Friends don't let friends do Nuzlockes."

Charlie: "We haven't really domesticated the cat, it's just too small to matter."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:46:40 PM »
Charlie: "Who's your favorite Animorph? Mine's Dinobot."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:04:30 PM »
Charlie: "Can I use Breakfall to get down?"
Matt: "Just slide down its back like Fred Flintstone!"

Matt: "You finally phased her a little. You hit her with a literal phasing weapon and even that didn't phase her."
James: "It's different usage of the word, but I like your moxy!"

James: "Deckland, you suplex one of them so that its skull buries into the ground. Then you flip back over and kick another one before you punch one so hard that its head turns all the way around."
Matt: "At some point, I'm hoping that Deckland fighting the army just turns into a Popeye cartoon."

*after Deckland and a druid have a quiet discussion in Irish accents
Nedire: "What are they saying? I don't speak Innish."
James: Hoity toity toy, me boyo!
Axe: "Potata potata!"
James: "Whiskey vodka potata! Well, we just invented a new kind of racism."
Charlie: "Technically, it's just a very old kind of racism."
James: "Very true."
Matt: "We've been making up new ways of being racist on this show ever since we found a way to be racist at Canadians."
Charlie: "I mean, their hockey teams are all pretty much variations on saying 'The Canadians.' The Nationals, The Canucks, The... The Canadian Beavers."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 10, 2016, 09:36:48 PM »
High King: "I just saw your futures a few times each."
Valentin: "They ended happily, I hope."
High King: "Well, they all ended."
Charlie: "Opens up a notebook. Crosses off 'become immortal."
Kevin: "That wasn't my plan at all!"

Charlie: "He IS the head of the Larsfolk. He's still a slab of beef."
Kevin: "Doesn't mean you can' t take off a slice."

General Discussion / Re: Pictures and Other Childish Things 2.0
« on: October 08, 2016, 10:23:15 PM »

well, posted up an ad for it, but tossing out a Disney Villains Victorious game on here a thread or two down. alternate Disney timeline stuff where every villain turned out successful and it's up to a next generation of lesser known heroes to try to set things right in a world run by magical tyrants

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 03, 2016, 11:42:59 PM »
Charlie: "We had a golden ticket, and nothing's gonna go... I don't know how that song goes."
Max: "Aww man. We were going to go to the clown factory and see how clowns were made!"
Charlie: "Believe me! You don't want to see the clown factory then!"
Max: "Remember that one kid, Augustus Honk, who got too fat when he ate too many clowns?"

Charlie: "It goes back to the court jester: he could make fun of the king because he knew he was going to be eaten."

Max: "All this time I was actually a clown. I'm coming out of the tiny car to tell everyone."

Max: "Clown squad! Assemble!"
Charlie: "That's where you put them when they're done with them. The clowns in this game are not people."
Max: "You keep them in boxes. Can't let them think they're people."

Show Discussion / Re: Drunken Quotes thread
« on: October 03, 2016, 11:14:28 PM »
James: "Think about who's talking to you right now! You have Chin Largehuge telling you to calm the fuck down!"

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