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Messages - aRealDead1

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Introduction Thread
« on: November 04, 2016, 10:24:05 PM »
Who: Uilly, because I have been stuck with a childish nickname that makes it sounds like I was raised in a gulag.
What: Part time independent bike mechanic, contract web development, and valet to fill in the rest of the time I am not riding my BMX or gaming.
When: 39, and feeling every bit of it as time pulls me closer to the Reaper's grasp and I hear his jaw bone cackling with a mockery of laughter at my failing mortality.
Where: Portland, OR but originally from Chicago, IL.
Why: Because I love PnP RPGs, and really enjoy playing online using virtual table tops. Also here to meet other players, and recruit for the games I run.

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