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Matt: "Crystal from Starfox is the chicken nuggets of furry porn."
Kevin: "Do you have any idea how much it would cost to put safeties on EVERY gun the Imperium makes? It wouldn't outweigh the cost of lives lost."
Matt: "I rolled a one."
Josh: "You accidentally pull out a gun and shoot him."
Axe: The line is mostly broken up by Ork Bombaz...
(I legit thought Axe said Orkobamas: Ork+Obama. That's gotta be a thing somewhere...)
Charlie: "Rick Rude, still in an ongoing match with Batman. We're not sure where Batman is right now... but we have Bruce Wayne here for commentary on the subject."
Matt: "And the bandit rabbit, who whenever he picks up a carrot, he picks up another carrot..."
Charlie: "Matt, with no frame of reference, you sound like a crazy person."
Matt: "She looks way too grizzled to have a voice like that."
Max: "She can look grizzled and still have that voice. You shouldn't be so judgey, Matt."
Matt: "I judge everybody. I judge you!"
Charlie: "You can live a hard life and still sound like you want to give everyone fresh lemonade."