Author Topic: Viscera Cleanup Detail - The RPG  (Read 2168 times)


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Viscera Cleanup Detail - The RPG
« on: August 31, 2016, 04:30:13 PM »
Howdy all. Me again.

So this evening, in a fit of unchained productivity, I've concocted an idea for a dice-centric game based around the premise of Viscera Cleanup Detail. The dust has settled, the bodies have cooled and the badass hero has saved the day. You're the zero-hour-contract schlubs tasked with cleaning up the mess, destroying the evidence and trying not to die from anything the hero might've missed during their killing spree.

The basic game idea is:

You have Messes, Projects and Threats.

Mess: A big room, heap of crap or other thing you need to clear away. Represented by a heaping pile of dice. To clean them away, you select up to four of the dice and roll them. A 3+ and it's gone. Anything less...and they spread. A handful of 1d4s can get out of hand very quickly...

Project: Non-essential crap the company wants you to do, represented by an empty space for you to add dice to. You can up to four dice of any type...but the GM can try to tempt you into cutting corners or outright failing for some loot, experience or something else you desire.

Threat: A Project with a short fuse and nasty repercussions. An ominous sound in the vents. A weird beeping coming from that probably-defused bomb. That corpse getting up and shambling around. Resolved like a Project, but when it boils over, bad things happen.

The idea would be to work against a timer of some description to clear the Mess, squash Threats and complete as many Projects as possible.

Rules thus far are here.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Might want to run this at some point to see how it flows.

Now please wash your hands.

Laura B

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Re: Viscera Cleanup Detail - The RPG
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 12:07:25 PM »
My inner editor came out and wanted to reorganize somethings so they're talked about before they're cited in the rules, but that happens to pretty much anything I read. It reads like it'd be best as an in-person party game, kind of like Dread. Also, I'd be interested to test it out, so you've successfully pitched it.


  • Pug Life
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Re: Viscera Cleanup Detail - The RPG
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2016, 12:16:03 PM »
Neat. I'm holding it as a reserve playtest should my local group be a man short. We played Dread with great success and I figure if I can get this going I'll post the playtest results here.

I'll keep tinkering and throw in some jumping off points and guides for creating scenarios, but you're on the money with it being more akin to Dread than a long-term RPG.